Security Management Platforms for 
Efficient Risk Assessment and Loss Management

The CRIMECAST Platform (“CCP”) is CAP Index’s proprietary security management platform for accessing, storing, and managing your location-specific crime risk data. We also provide several options to enhance the CCP with specific modules to address different core functions across your security management lifecycle.

Our Enhanced CRIMECAST Modules include:

Guarding Management Platforms

The Risk Assessment Survey Module

Asset Registry

With the enhanced CRIMECAST Platform, every element of your data comes together on a simple and intuitive dashboard, enabling you to view a complete representation of crime risk and security information across all your business locations.


Whether you spend $100K or $100 million per year on security countermeasures like guarding and CCTV Towers, it is critical that security allocation decisions are made using an objective, data-driven process that is defensible and fiscally responsible.

Our Security Management Platforms will integrate data from several sources into one centralized dashboard, empowering your organization to effectively monitor, manage, and mitigate crime risks, as well as handling Third Party Guarding requests on a location-by-location basis.

Mitigate Risk and Optimize Guarding Expenditures

  • Ensure security measures are precision-targeted and align with each location’s unique risk profile and company policies
  • Alleviate the occurrence of violent incidents, fostering a safer environment for both patrons and employees.
  • Facilitate a data-driven analysis to reduce unnecessary expenses while maintaining required security standards.

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Access location-specific surveys that assist with identifying and documenting physical security findings at each location in a systematic and organized manner. The risk assessment surveys can also collect data from various sources by importing internal or external data. The module provides a structure for a clear and repeatable path to address survey exceptions; and, to prioritize potential security hazards at each location. Create your own surveys with our included templates and built-in decision trees. For any special requirements, CAP Index will build custom-tailored surveys.

Take actions when overseeing surveys such as:

  • Track and report on survey completion
  • Flag follow-up needs
  • Trigger emails to appropriate parties

Customized Platforms with Blended Crime Risk Scores

Large enterprises face unique challenges when managing security programs across numerous business locations. Crime risk data is essential; finding a method to organize and make sense of it becomes pivotal. CAP Index will combine your data with ours, categorize it, and display it in a clear and comprehensive dashboard. Partner with CAP Index to get a complete understanding of crime risk affecting your business and make the most impactful security decisions possible.

Customized data points and graphics include (but are not limited to):

  • Custom crime risk scores which combine our objective crime risk data with your individual crime history
  • Graphs of past crime incidents by type and year
  • Charts of guarding requirements and allocations